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Picea glauca 'Daisy's White' - Daisy's White' White Spruce
A dwarf, pyramidal conifer with green foliage. Plant is covered in Spring by spectacular white new growth which reverts to green during the season. Prefers sun to part shade in well-drained soil. 2' tall x 1' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 3.
Picea glauca 'Haal' - Haal White Spruce
Picea glauca 'Pendula' - Weeping White Spruce
A narrow upright conifer with gray-blue needles. Drooping side branches surrounding each leader create an image reminiscent of minarets. Beautiful form. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 8' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 1.
Picea mariana 'Aurea' - Golden Black Hills Spruce
A graceful pyramidal open branching Black Spruce with golden foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil but will tolerate more moisture than species. 18 – 36 ft. USDA zone 1.
Picea mariana 'Blue Tear Drop' - Blue Tear Drop Black Spruce
A dwarf conifer with short blue needles. Develops into a dense tear-drop shape as it matures. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 1.
Picea omorika - Serbian Spruce
Picea omorika 'Aurea' - Golden Serbian Spruce
Picea omorika 'Berliner's Weeper' - Berliner's Weeping Serbian Spruce
An upright narrow conifer with cascading side branches and dark green foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 3.
Picea omorika 'Blue Sky' - Blue Sky Serbian Spruce
An upright conifer with sky blue needles. Grows to be a narrow pillar. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 7' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 3.
Picea omorika 'Frondenberg' - Frondenberg Serbian Spruce
A dwarf Serbian spruce with a dense flattened-globe shape. Needles are dark green. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 10" tall x 12" wide in 10 years. USDA zone 3.