P returned 201 results.
Picea abies 'Norkkoping' - Norkkoping Norway Spruce
Picea abies 'Pell Lake' - Pell Lake Norway Spruce
Picea abies 'Pendula' - Weeping Norway Spruce
Picea abies 'Perry's Golden' - Perry's Golden Norway Spruce
A dwarf conifer with short green needles. In spring new growth is butter-yellow. Prefers morning sun with afternoon shade in well-drained soil. 4' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 2.
Picea abies 'Pusch' - Pusch Norway Spruce
A dwarf irregular conifer with green needles. Numerous tiny cones, red in spring, turning brown by summer are produced at the terminus of the branches. Originated as a witches’ broom of 'acrocona'. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 1' tall x 2' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 2.
Picea abies 'Remontii' - Remontii Norway Spruce
A dwarf conifer with bright green needles. Slow growing with mature height of ~20 ft. Growth to about 10' in 10 years. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. USDA zone 4.
Picea abies 'Repens' - Repens Norway Spruce
A dwarf spreading conifer with green needles. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 3-4' tall x 4-5' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 4.
Picea abies 'Roanoke Broom No. 1' - Roanoke Broom No. 1 Norway Spruce
Picea abies 'Rubra Spicata' - Red Tipped Norway Spruce
A slow-growing conifer with irregular, slightly pyramidal growth habit. New shoots emerge purple-red in spring as do new cones which stand out against the older, darker green foliage. Prefers full sun in well-drained soil. 6' tall x 4' wide in 10 years. USDA zone 3.
Picea abies 'St. James' - St. James Norway Spruce